X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Roof-mounted luggage rackNoteRoof-mounted luggage racks are only availablefor vehicles with roof rails*.Special rack system as optionalaccessoryA special rack system is available as an optionalaccessory.Follow the directions given in the installation in‐structions.Anchorage pointsThe roof rails* provide mounting points for theroof-mounted luggage rack.Follow the directions given in the installation in‐structions.MountingBe sure that adequate clearance is maintainedfor raising and opening the glass sunroof*.LoadingBecause roof racks raise the vehicle's center ofgravity when loaded, they have a major effect onvehicle handling and steering response.Therefore, note the following when loading anddriving:▷Do not exceed the approved roof/axle loadsand the approved gross vehicle weight.▷Distribute the roof load uniformly.▷The roof load should not be too large in area.▷Always load the heaviest pieces on the bot‐tom.▷Secure the roof luggage firmly, e. g., tie withratchet straps.▷Do not let objects project into the openingpath of the tailgate.▷Drive smoothly. Avoid sudden accelerationand braking maneuvers. Take corners gen‐tly.Saving fuelGeneral informationYour vehicle contains advanced technology forthe reduction of fuel consumption and emis‐sions.Fuel consumption depends on a number of dif‐ferent factors.The implementation of certain measures, driv‐ing style and regular maintenance, refer topage 219 , can have an influence on fuel con‐sumption and on the environmental impact.Remove unnecessary cargoAdditional weight increases fuel consumption.Remove attached parts following useRemove auxiliary mirrors, roof or rear luggageracks which are no longer required followinguse.Attached parts on the vehicle impair the aero‐dynamics and increase the fuel consumption.Close the windows and glass sunroof*Driving with the glass sunroof and windowsopen results in increased air resistance andraises fuel consumption.Check the tire inflation pressureregularlyCheck and, if necessary, correct the tire inflationpressure, refer to page 207 , at least twice amonth and before starting on a long trip.Low tire inflation pressure increases rolling re‐sistance and thus raises fuel consumption andtire wear.Drive away without delayDo not wait for the engine to warm up while thevehicle remains stationary. Start driving rightaway, but at moderate engine speeds.This is the fastest way for the cold engine toreach its operating temperature.Seite 124124Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Things to remember when driving
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