X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Music collectionBacking up the music collectionThe entire music collection can be stored on aUSB device. Make sure there is enough freememory capacity on the USB device.Depending on the number of tracks, backing upthe music collection may take several hours.Therefore, it is best to perform the backup dur‐ing a long trip.1. Starting the engine.2. Connect the USB device to the USB inter‐face in the glove compartment.3. "CD/Multimedia"4. "Music collection"5. Open "Options".6. "Music data import/export"7."Backup music on USB"Storing the music collection in the vehicleWhen storing from the USB device, the existingmusic collection in the vehicle is replaced.1."CD/Multimedia"2."Music collection"3.Open "Options".4. "Music data import/export"5. "Restore music from USB"Deleting the music collection1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Open "Options".4. "Delete music collection"External devicesAt a glanceSymbol Meaning AUX-IN port USB audio interface* Mobile phone audio interface* Bluetooth audio*AUX-IN portAt a glance▷For connecting audio devices, e.g., MP3player. The sound is output on the vehicleloudspeakers.▷Recommendation: use medium tone andvolume settings on the audio device. Thetone depends on the quality of the audiofiles.ConnectingThe AUX-IN port is in the center armrest.Seite 166166Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500CD/multimedia
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