X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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7. Select the functions for which the mobilephone is to be used.8. "OK"If the pairing was successful, the mobile phoneappears at the top of the list of mobile phones.The functions supported by the mobile phoneand audio device are displayed as symbols whenpaired.White symbol: the function is active.Gray symbol: the function is inactive.Symbol Function Telephone. Additional telephone. Audio source.Four devices can be paired with the vehicle atonce. Three devices can be connected with thevehicle at once.If pairing was unsuccessful: What to do if..., referto page 179 .Following the initial pairing▷The mobile phone is detected/connected inthe vehicle within a short period of timewhen the engine is running or the ignition isswitched on.▷The phone book entries of the telephonestored on the SIM card* or mobile phone aretransmitted to the vehicle after detection,depending on the mobile phone.▷Four devices can be paired.▷Specific settings may be necessary in somemobile phones, e.g., authorization or a se‐cure connection; refer to the mobile phoneoperating instructions.Connecting a specific deviceIf more than one device is detected by the vehi‐cle, the device at the top of the list is connected.A different device can be connected by select‐ing it.1."Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Select the device that is to be connected.The functions that were assigned to the devicebefore unpairing are assigned to the devicewhen it is reconnected. If the device is alreadyconnected, these functions are deactivated.Configuring the devicesAdditional functions can be activated or deacti‐vated for paired and connected devices.1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Highlight the device to be configured.4. Open "Options".5. "Configure phone"6. At least one function must be selected.▷"Telephone"▷"Additional telephone"▷"Audio"7. "OK"If a function is assigned to a device, the functionwill be deactivated where appropriate for a de‐vice that is already connected and the device willbe unpaired.Swapping the telephone and additionaltelephoneThe function of the telephone and additional tel‐ephone can be swapped automatically.1. "Telephone"2."Bluetooth (telephone)"3."Swap phone/addit. phone"Unpairing a device1. "Telephone"2. "Bluetooth (telephone)"3. Highlight the device that is to be unpaired.4. Open "Options".5. "Remove phone from list"Seite 178178Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Professional mobile phone preparation package
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