X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
1. Open the tailgate.2. Pull out the cover at the recessed grip, ar‐row.3. Detach the connector.4. Detach the bulb holder from the tail lamp.The backup lamp is the upper lamp and thebrake force display is the lower lamp on thebulb holder.5. To replace the backup lamp, pull off the bulbcarefully.To replace the brake lamp, push the bulbdown and turn it to the left.6. Proceed in the reverse order to insert thenew bulb and attach the bulb holder.Ensure that the bulb holder is firmly at‐tached.Changing wheelsNotesThe vehicle equipment does not include a sparetire.When using run-flat tires* or tire sealants, a tiredoes not need to be changed immediately in theevent of pressure loss due to a flat tire.The tools for changing wheels are available asaccessories from your service center.Jacking points for the vehicle jackThe jacking points for the vehicle jack are lo‐cated in the positions shown.Lug bolt lock*The lug bolt lock is in the tool kit or in a storagecompartment close to the tool kit.▷Lug bolt, arrow 1.▷Adapter, arrow 2.Removing1.Attach the adapter to the wheel lug.2. Unscrew the lug bolt.Remove the adapter after screwing the lug boltback on.Seite 226226Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Replacing components
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