X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
DrivingStart/Stop buttonThe conceptPressing the Start/Stop buttonswitches the ignition on or off andstarts the engine.The engine starts if the brakepedal is pressed when you pressthe Start/Stop button.Ignition onPress the Start/Stop button and do not press onthe brake pedal at the same time.All vehicle systems are ready for operation.Most of the indicator and warning lamps in theinstrument cluster light up for varying lengths oftime.To save battery power when the engine is off,switch off the ignition and any unnecessaryelectronic systems/power consumers.The ignition switches off automatically:▷When the vehicle is locked, if the low beamsare switched on.▷Shortly before the battery is dischargedcompletely, so that the engine can still bestarted.▷If the engine is switched off and the ignitionis switched on, the system automaticallyswitches to the radio ready state when thedoor is opened if the lights are switched offor the daytime running lights are switchedon.Ignition offPress the Start/Stop button again and do notpress on the brake pedal at the same time.All indicator lamps in the instrument cluster goout.To save battery power when the engine is off,switch off the ignition and any unnecessaryelectronic systems/power consumers.Transmission position P with the ignitionoffWhen the ignition is switched off, position P isengaged automatically. When in an automaticcar wash, for example, ensure that the ignition isnot switched off accidentally.◀When the vehicle is locked using the centrallocking system, the ignition switches off auto‐matically.Radio ready stateThis state can only be reached by pressing theStart/Stop button briefly to switch off the enginewhile it is running.Some electronic systems/power consumers re‐main ready for operation.Radio ready state switches off automatically:▷After approx. 8 minutes.▷When the vehicle is locked using the centrallocking system.Starting the engineGeneral informationEnclosed areasDo not let the engine run in enclosedareas; otherwise, breathing of exhaust fumesmay lead to loss of consciousness and death.The exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, anodorless and colorless but highly toxic gas.◀Unattended vehicleDo not leave the car unattended with theengine running; otherwise, it presents a poten‐tial source of danger.Before leaving the car with the engine running,set the parking brake and place the transmissionin position P or neutral to prevent the car frommoving.◀Seite 5858Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Driving
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