X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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262page / 11.20MB
To do so:▷Read the instructions of the hand-heldtransmitter.▷Press the memory button of the universalremote control for an extended period.If the LED flashes rapidly for a brief period andthen lights up continuously for approx. 2 sec‐onds, the hand-held transmitter is equippedwith an alternating code system.In this case, program the memory buttons asdescribed under Alternating-code hand-heldtransmitters.Alternating-code hand-heldtransmittersPlease obtain information on synchronizing thedevice in the operating manual of the device be‐ing set up.Programming will be easier with the aid of a sec‐ond person.1. Park the vehicle within range of the remote-controlled device.2. Program the universal remote control as de‐scribed above under Fixed-code hand-heldtransmitters.3. Press and hold the programmed button onthe interior rearview mirror for approx. 5 sec‐onds until the device to be adjusted is acti‐vated.If the device does not become activated,press and hold the button and watch theLED:▷If the LED lights up continuously, theprogramming is completed. The deviceshould become activated when the but‐ton is pressed briefly.▷If the LED flashes for approx. 2 secondsand then lights up continuously, con‐tinue the programming procedure be‐ginning with step 4.4. Locate the button on the receiver of the de‐vice to be set, e.g., on the drive.5. Press the button on the receiver of the de‐vice to be set. You have approx. 30 secondsfor the next step.6. Press the programmed memory button ofthe universal remote control three times.The device can be operated when the engine isrunning or the ignition is switched on.Reassigning individual programs1. Switch on the ignition.2. Hold the hand-held transmitter a distance ofapprox. 2 to 8 in/5 to 20 cm from the memorybuttons.3. Press the memory button of the universalremote control.4. If the LED flashes slowly after approx.20 seconds, press the transmit button onthe hand-held transmitter.5. Release both buttons when the LED flashesrapidly.If the LED does not flash rapidly after approx.15 seconds, change the distance and repeatthe step.Deleting all stored programsPress the left and right memory buttons for ap‐prox. 20 seconds until the LED flashes rapidly.All stored programs are deleted.The programs cannot be deleted individually.Lighter*Danger of burnsOnly hold the hot lighter by its head; oth‐erwise, there is the danger of getting burned.Switch off the ignition and take the remote con‐trol with you when leaving the vehicle so thatchildren cannot use the lighter and burn them‐selves.◀Seite 108108Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Interior equipment
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