X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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262page / 11.20MB
lated route may lead through the traffic ob‐struction.▷Dangerous situations are displayed regard‐less of the setting.To activate dynamic destination guidance:1. "Navigation"2. Open "Options".3. "Dynamic guidance"Navigation dataInformation on the navigation data1. "Navigation"2. Open "Options".3. "Navigation system version"Information is displayed on the data version.Updating the navigation dataGeneral informationNavigation data and authorization codes areavailable from your service center. Navigationdata are stored in the vehicle and can be up‐dated.▷Depending on the data volume, a data up‐date may take several hours.▷Update during the trip to preserve battery.▷During the update, only the basic functionsof the navigation system are available.▷The status of the update can be viewed.▷The system restarts after the update.▷The data carrier with the navigation data canbe removed after the update is complete.Perform an update1.Insert the navigation DVD into the DVDplayer with the labeled side facing up.2. Follow the instructions on the Control Dis‐play.3.Enter the authorization code of the naviga‐tion DVD and change the DVD if needed.After interrupting your trip, follow the instruc‐tions on the Control Display.Viewing the status1. Press the button.2. "Navigation update"What to do if...▷The current transmission position cannot bedisplayed?The vehicle is located in an unrecognizedregion, is in a poor reception area, or thesystem is currently determining the posi‐tion. Reception is usually best when youhave an unobstructed view of the sky.▷The destination without street information isnot used for route guidance?When city has been input, no downtown canbe determined.Input any street in the selected city and startdestination guidance.▷The destination is not used for route guid‐ance?The destination data is not contained in thenavigation data. Select a destination that isas close as possible to the original.▷Letters for destination input cannot be se‐lected?The stored data do not contain the data ofthe destination.Select a goal that is as close as possible tothe original.▷Is the map displayed in shades of gray?When the traffic situation/gray card is acti‐vated, the view on the Control Display isswitched over to shades of gray. This ena‐bles a better view of the traffic bulletins.▷Spoken instructions are no longer outputduring route guidance in front of intersec‐tions?Seite 142142Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Navigation
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