X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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262page / 11.20MB
Contacts*General informationContacts can be created and edited and the ad‐dresses can be adopted as destinations for nav‐igation.New contact1. "Contacts"2. "New contact"3. The entry fields are still filled with the previ‐ous entries: "Delete input fields"4. Fill in the entry fields: select the symbol nextto the entry field.5.Enter the text, refer to page 24.6.If the vehicle is equipped with a navigationsystem: Enter the address. Only addressescontained in the navigation data in the vehi‐cle can be entered. This ensures that desti‐nation guidance is possible for all ad‐dresses.7.If necessary, "Store".8."Store contact in vehicle"Specifying the home addressA home address can be stored. It appears at thetop of the contact list.1. "Home"2. Create a contact.3. "Store contact in vehicle"My contactsGeneral informationList of all contacts.Displaying contacts1. "Contacts"2. "My contacts"All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. De‐pending on the number of contacts, an A-Zsearch is offered, refer to page 24.A symbol indicates the storage location of thecontacts:Symbol Storage locationNo symbol In the vehicle; the address has notbeen checked as a destination. In the vehicle; the address hasbeen checked as a destination.Seite 193193Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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