X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Fuel filler flap 204 Fuel gauge 67 Fuel quality 206 Fuel, tank capacity 242 Fuse 227 GGarage door opener, refer toIntegrated universal remotecontrol 107 Gas station recommenda‐tion 137 Gear change, automatic trans‐mission 65 General driving notes 120 Glass sunroof, refer to Panor‐amic glass sunroof 45 Glove compartment 114 GPS navigation, refer to Navi‐gation system 128 Gross vehicle weight, ap‐proved 241 Gross weight, permissible fortrailer towing 241 HHand brake, refer to Parkingbrake 59 Hand-held transmitter, alter‐nating code 108 Hazard warning flashers 228 HDC Hill Descent Control 87 HD Radio 149 Head airbags 80 Headlamp control, auto‐matic 77 Headlamp courtesy delay fea‐ture 76 Headlamp courtesy delay fea‐ture via remote control 36 Headlamp flasher 62 Headlamp flasher, bulb re‐placement 223 Headlamp glass 222 Headlamps 222 Headlamps, care 234 Headlamp washer system 62 Headliner 18 Head restraints 47 Head restraints, front 51 Head restraints, rear 51 Head-up Display 99 Head-up Display, care 235 Heavy cargo, stowing 123 Height, seats 47 Height, vehicle 238 High-beam Assistant 78 High beams 62 High beams/low beams, referto High-beam Assistant 78 High beams, bulb replace‐ment 223 Hill Descent Control HDC 87 Hills 121 Holder for beverages 115 Homepage 6 Hood 215 Horn 12 Hot exhaust system 120 House number, entering fornavigation 129 Hydroplaning 121 IIce warning, refer to Externaltemperature warning 69 Icy roads, refer to Externaltemperature warning 69 Identification marks, tires 210 Identification number, refer toEngine compartment 215 iDrive 19 Ignition key, refer to Remotecontrol 32 Ignition off 58 Ignition on 58 Indication of a flat tire 83 Indicator and warning mes‐sages 14 Indicator lamps 14 Individual air distribu‐tion 101 , 103 Individual settings, refer toPersonal Profile 33 Inflation pressure, tires 207 Info display, refer to Com‐puter 70 Information on the navigationdata 142 Initializing, Tire Pressure Mon‐itor TPM 83 Instrument cluster 13, 67 Instrument cluster, electronicdisplays 15 Instrument lighting 79 Integrated key 32 Integrated universal remotecontrol 107 Intensity, AUTO program 104 Interactive map 132 Interior equipment 107 Interior lamps 79 Interior lamps via remote con‐trol 36 Interior motion sensor 43 Interior rearview and exteriormirrors, automatic dimmingfeature 54 Interior rearview mirror 54 Intermediate destinations 134 Internet 198 Internet page 6 Intersection, entering for navi‐gation 129 Interval display, service re‐quirements 73 iPod/iPhone 167 JJacking points for the vehiclejack 226 Jack, refer to Vehicle jack 226 Joystick, automatic transmis‐sion 65 Jump starting 229 KKey/remote control 32 Seite 255255Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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