X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Technical data 238 TeleService 195 Temperature, automatic cli‐mate control 102 , 104 Temperature display, externaltemperature 69 Temperature, engine oil 68 Terminal, starting aid 230 Text messages 187 Text messages, supplemen‐tary 75 Theft alarm system, refer toAlarm system 42 Theft protection, lugbolts 226 Theft protection, refer to Cen‐tral locking system 35 Thigh support 49 Tilt alarm sensor 43 Tilt, seats 47 Time of arrival 71 Tire age 212 Tire damage 211 Tire identification marks 210 Tire inflation pressure 207 Tire Pressure MonitorTPM 82 Tires, changing 212 Tires, everything on wheelsand tires 207 Tires, run-flat tires 213 Tire tread 211 Toll roads, route 136 Tone 146 Tool kit 221 Tools 221 Top View 97 Torque, engine 240 Total vehicle weight 241 Tow fitting 231 Towing 230 Town/city, navigation 128 Tow-starting 230 TPM Tire Pressure Moni‐tor 82 Traction control 86 TRACTION program, DynamicDriving Control 87 Traffic bulletins, naviga‐tion 139 Traffic situation/gray card 140 Transmission, automatic 64 Transporting childrensafely 55 Tread, tires 211 Treble, tone 146 Trip computer 71 Triple turn signal activa‐tion 62 Trip odometer 68 Trunk cover 110 Trunk lid 39 Turning circle 240 Turning circle lines, backupcamera 96 Turn signals, operation 61 UUnintentional alarm 43 Units of measure 73 Universal remote control 107 Unlock button, automatictransmission 65 Unlocking/locking from in‐side 38 Unlocking/locking via doorlock 38 Unlocking/locking with remotecontrol 36 Upholstery care 234 USB audio interface 167 USB interface 114 VVariable sport steering 88 Vehicle battery 227 Vehicle battery, replacing 227 Vehicle, breaking in 120 Vehicle care 234 Vehicle identification number,refer to Identification numberin the engine compart‐ment 215 Vehicle jack 226 Vehicle paint 234 Vehicle storage 235 Vehicle wash 233 Ventilation 106 Ventilation, refer to Parked-carventilation 106 Version of the navigationdata 142 Video playback 157 Voice activation, short com‐mands 243 Voice activation system 25 Volume, setting 146 WWarning lamps 14 Warning messages, refer toCheck Control 74 Warning triangle 229 Washer fluid 64 Washer fluid reservoir, ca‐pacity 242 Washer nozzles, wind‐shield 63 Washer system 62 Washing, vehicle 233 Water on roads 121 Weather Band 149 Weights 241 Welcome lamps 76 Wheel base, vehicle 240 Wheel change 226 Wheels, changing 212 Wheels, everything on wheelsand tires 207 Wheels, Tire Pressure MonitorTPM 82 Width, vehicle 238 Window defroster,rear 102 , 105 Windows, powered 43 Windshield washer fluid 64 Windshield washer noz‐zles 63 Windshield washer system 62 Windshield wiper 62 Seite 259259Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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