Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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▷The cardinal direction displayed does notchange even if the direction of travelchanges.▷Not all compass directions are shown.Procedure1. Make sure that there are no large metal ob‐jects or overhead power lines in the vicinityof your vehicle and that you have enoughspace to drive in a circle.2. Set the currently valid compass zone.3. Ensure that the retractable hardtop is fullyclosed.4. Press the adjustment button for 6‑7 sec‐onds to call up C. Then drive in at least onecomplete circle at a maximum speed of4 mph/7 km/h. If the calibration was suc‐cessful, the display C is replaced with thecardinal directions.5. Open the retractable hardtop fully and re‐peat step 4.Setting right-hand/left-hand steeringYour digital compass is factory-set to right-handor left-hand steering, in accordance with yourvehicle.Setting the languageYou can set the language of the display:Press the adjustment button for 12‑13 seconds.Briefly press the adjustment button again toswitch between English "E" and German "O".The setting is automatically saved after approx.10 seconds.Connecting electrical devicesSocketsIn your BMW, when the engine is running or theignition is switched on, you can use electricaldevices such as a hand lamp, car vacuumcleaner, etc., up to approx. 200 watts at 12 volts,as long as one of the following sockets is avail‐able. Avoid damaging the sockets by attemptingto insert plugs of unsuitable shape or size.Cigarette lighter socket*Access to socket: remove the lighter from thesocket.Under the center armrestExternal audio device, refer to page 108 .In the passenger footwell*A socket is located on the left below the glovecompartment.TrunkDepending on your vehicle's equipment, the fol‐lowing storage spaces can be found in the cargoarea:▷Rubber band* for securing light objects▷Storage compartment.To open: turn the lock to the left, see arrow, andfold the cover up.Enlarging the cargo areaWhen the hardtop is closed you can enlarge thecargo area:Seite 104104Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Interior equipment
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