Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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▷To display short information: touch the but‐ton.▷To display detailed information: touch thebutton for an extended period.Deleting the button assignments1. Press buttons 1 and 6 simultaneously forapprox. five seconds.2. "OK"Entering letters and numbers1. Turn the controller: select letters or num‐bers.2. Select additional letters or numbers ifneeded.3. "OK": confirm the entry.Symbol Function Press the controller: delete the letteror number. Press the controller for an extendedperiod: delete all letters or numbers. Enter a blank space.Switching between letters andnumbersDepending on the menu, you can switch be‐tween entering letters and numbers.Symbol Function Enter the letters. Enter the numbers.Switching between upper and lowercase lettersDepending on the menu, you can switch be‐tween entering uppercase and lowercase let‐ters.Symbol Function Move the controller up: switchfrom upper to lower case letters. Move the controller up: switchfrom lower to upper case letters.Entry comparisonEntry of names and addresses: the selection isnarrowed down every time a letter is entered andletters may be added automatically.The entries are continuously compared to thedata stored in the vehicle.▷Only those letters are offered during the en‐try for which data is available.▷Destination search: town/city names can beentered using the spelling of language avail‐able on the Control Display.Seite 2323Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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