Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
RangeDisplays the estimated cruising range availablewith the remaining fuel. The range is calculatedbased on your driving style over the last18 miles/30 km and the current fuel supply.Refuel below 30 miles/50 kmRefuel below a range of 30 miles/50 km;otherwise, engine functions are not ensured anddamage may occur.◀Average speedPeriods with the vehicle parked and the engineswitched off are not included in the calculationsof average speed.With the trip computer, refer to page 64 , youcan have the average speed displayed for an ad‐ditional distance.To reset the average speed: press the button onthe turn indicator lever for approx. 2 seconds.Average fuel consumptionThe average fuel consumption is calculated forthe time during which the engine is running.With the trip computer, refer to page 64 , youcan have the average consumption displayed foran additional distance.To reset the average consumption: press thebutton on the turn indicator lever for ap‐prox. 2 seconds.Current fuel consumptionDisplays the current fuel consumption. This al‐lows you to see whether your current drivingstyle is conducive to fuel economy with mini‐mum exhaust emissions.Displays on the Control DisplayThe computer can also be opened via iDrive.1."Vehicle Info"2. "Onboard info" or "Trip computer"Displays on the "Onboard info":▷Range.▷Distance to destination▷Estimated time of arrival if:▷A distance was manually entered intothe computer, refer to information be‐low.▷A destination was entered in the naviga‐tion system*, refer to page 121 .Displays on the "Trip computer":▷Departure time.▷Trip duration.▷Trip distance.Both displays show:▷The average speed andSeite 6464Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Displays
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