Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
High beams/roadside parkinglamps1 High beams2 Headlamp flasher3 Roadside parking lamps*Left and right roadside parking lamps*There is an additional option of switching on thelamps on the side of the car facing the road whenparked.Switching onAfter parking the vehicle, press the lever up ordown beyond the pressure point for a longer pe‐riod, arrow 3.The roadside parking lamps drain the battery.Therefore, do not leave them on for unduly longperiods of time; otherwise, the battery might nothave enough power to start the engine.Switching offPress the lever in the opposite direction to thepressure point, arrow 3.High-beam Assistant*The conceptWhen the lights are switched on, this systemautomatically switches the high beams on andoff. The procedure is controlled by a sensor onthe front of the interior rearview mirror. The as‐sistant ensures that the high beams areswitched on whenever the traffic situation al‐lows. The driver can intervene at any time andswitch the high beams on and off as usual.Activating the High-beam Assistant1. Turn the light switch to .2. With the low beams switched on, brieflypush the turn indicator lever in the directionof the high beam.The indicator lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up.When the lights are switched on, thehigh beams are switched on and off automati‐cally.The system responds to light from oncomingtraffic and traffic driving ahead of you, and to ad‐equate illumination, e.g., in towns and cities.Switching the high beams on and offmanually▷High beams on, arrow 1.▷High beams off/headlamp flasher, arrow 2.To reactivate the High-beam Assistant, brieflypush the turn indicator lever toward the highbeams.System limitsPersonal responsibilityThe High-beam Assistant cannot serve asa substitute for the driver's personal judgmentof when to use the high beams. Therefore, man‐ually switch off the high beams in situationswhere this is required to avoid a safety risk.◀The system is not fully functional in situationssuch as the following, and driver interventionmay be necessary:▷In very unfavorable weather conditions,such as fog or heavy precipitation.Seite 7777Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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