Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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A message appears on the Control Display.More information, refer to page 71 .Park Distance Control PDC*The conceptPDC supports you when parking.Objects that you are approaching slowly in frontof* or behind your vehicle are indicated with:▷Signal tones.▷Visual display.MeasurementMeasurements are made by ultrasound sensorsin the bumpers.The range is approx. 6 ft/2 m.An acoustic warning is first given:▷By the front* sensors and two rear cornersensors at approx. 24 in/60 cm.▷By the rear middle sensors at approx. 5 ft/1.50 m.System limitsCheck the traffic situation as wellPDC cannot serve as a substitute for thedriver's personal judgment of the traffic situa‐tion. Check the traffic situation around the vehi‐cle with your own eyes. Otherwise, an accidentcould result from road users or objects locatedoutside of the PDC detection range.Loud noises from outside and inside the vehiclemay prevent you from hearing the PDC's signaltone.◀Avoid driving quickly with PDCAvoid approaching an object quickly.Avoid driving away quickly while PDC is not yetactive.For technical reasons, the system may other‐wise be too late in issuing a warning.◀Limits of ultrasonic measurementThe detection of objects can reach the physicallimits of ultrasonic measurement, for instance:▷With tow bars and trailer hitches.▷With thin or wedge-shaped objects.▷With low objects.▷With objects with corners and sharp edges.Low objects already displayed, e.g., curbs, canmove into the blind area of the sensors before orafter a continuous tone sounds.High, protruding objects such as ledges may notbe detected.False warningsPDC may issue a warning under the followingconditions even though there is no obstaclewithin the detection range:▷In heavy rain.▷When sensors are very dirty or covered inice.▷When sensors are covered in snow.▷On rough road surfaces.▷In large buildings with right angles andsmooth walls, e.g., in underground garages.▷In heavy exhaust.▷Due to other ultrasound sources, e.g.,sweeping machines, high pressure steamcleaners or neon lights.Switching on automaticallyEngage reverse gear with the engine running orthe ignition switched on.Switching off automaticallyThe system switches off and the LED goes out:▷After approx. 165 ft/50 m when driving for‐ward.▷Above approx. 20 mph/30 km/h when driv‐ing forward.Switch on the system again if necessary.Seite 9393Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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