Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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Indicator/warning lampsThe indicator and warning lamps can light up ina variety of combinations and colors. indicates that Check Control messages havebeen stored. You can view the Check Controlmessages whenever it is convenient for you.Explanatory text messagesText messages at the upper edge of the ControlDisplay explain the meaning of the displayed in‐dicator and warning lamps.For most Check Control messages, you canview more information later, e.g., regarding thecause of a malfunction and how to respond; referto the information provided below.In urgent cases, this information will be shownas soon as the corresponding lamp comes on.To exit the displayed information:Move the controller to the left.Hiding Check Control messagesPress the button in the turn indicator lever.Some Check Control messages are displayeduntil the malfunctions have been rectified. Theycannot be hidden. If several malfunctions occurat the same time, they are displayed in succes‐sion.They are marked with the symbol shownhere.Other messages are automatically hidden afterapprox. 20 seconds, but are kept in memory.They are marked with the symbol shownhere.Viewing stored Check Controlmessages1. Press button 1 in the turn indicator lever upor down repeatedly until the appropriatesymbol appears in the display, accompaniedby the words "CHECK CONTROL".2. Press button 2. If there is no Check Controlmessage, this is indicated by "CHECK OK“.If a Check Control message has beenstored, the corresponding lamp comes on.Seite 7272Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Displays
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