Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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TRACTION is displayed in the instrument clus‐ter.The DSC indicator lamp in the instrument clus‐ter lights up.Deactivating TRACTIONPress the button again.TRACTION and the DSC indicator lampgo out.Indicator/warning lampsWhen DTC is activated, TRACTION is displayedin the instrument cluster.The indicator lamp lights up: DynamicTraction Control DTC is activated.SPORT+Sporty driving with optimized chassis and sus‐pension during limited driving stabilization.Dynamic Traction Control is switched on.The driver handles several of the stabilizationtasks.Activating SPORT+Press the button repeatedly untilSPORT+ and the DSC indicator lampappear in the instrument cluster.Indicator/warning lampsSPORT+ is displayed in the instrument cluster.The indicator lamp lights up: DynamicTraction Control DTC is activated.SPORTConsistently sporty tuning of the suspension forgreater driving agility with maximum driving sta‐bilization.Activating SPORTPress the button repeatedly untilSPORT+ appears in the instrumentcluster.NORMALFor a balanced tuning with maximum driving sta‐bilization.Activating NORMALPress the button repeatedly until theprogram display disappears in the in‐strument cluster.Displays in the instrument clusterThe selected program is displayed in the instru‐ment cluster.Drive-off assistantThis system supports driving away on gradients.The parking brake is not required.1. Hold the vehicle in place with the foot brake.2. Release the foot brake and drive away with‐out delay.After the foot brake is released, the vehicle isheld in place for approx. 2 seconds.Depending on the vehicle load, the vehicle mayroll back slightly.Seite 8989Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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