Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
Functional requirementIn order to assure the reliable reporting of a flattire, the system must be reset while all tire infla‐tion pressures are correct.Always use wheels with TPM electronics. Oth‐erwise, the system may malfunction.Reset the system after each correction of thetire inflation pressure and after every tire orwheel change.System limitsSudden tire damageSudden serious tire damage caused byexternal influences cannot be indicated in ad‐vance.◀The system does not function properly if it hasnot been reset, e.g., it may identify a tire as flatin spite of the fact that the tire is filled to the cor‐rect inflation pressure.The system is deactivated and is unable to de‐tect flat tires if a wheel not equipped with TPMelectronics has been mounted, e.g., a compactwheel, or if TPM is experiencing temporary in‐terference from other systems or devices thatuse the same frequency.Status indicator on the Control DisplayThe tire and system status is indicated by thecolor of the tires.TPM takes into account that tire pressureschange while the vehicle is being driven. The tirepressures do not need to be corrected unlessthe TPM instructs you to do so by means of colorindicators.GreenThe tire inflation pressure corresponds to theestablished target value."TPM active" appears on the Control Display.One wheel is yellowThere is a flat tire or substantial loss of tire pres‐sure in the indicated tire. A message appears onthe Control Display.All wheels are yellowThere is a flat tire or substantial loss of tire pres‐sure in several tires. A message appears on theControl Display.GrayThe system cannot detect a flat tire.Possible reasons for this:▷TPM is being reset.▷Temporary malfunction caused by systemsor devices using the same radio frequency.▷Malfunction.Resetting the systemReset the system after each correction of thetire inflation pressure and after every tire orwheel change.1. Press the button. The start menu isopened.2. "Vehicle Info"3. "Vehicle status"4. "Reset TPM"5.Start the engine, but do not start driving.6.Start the initialization with "Reset TPM".7.Drive away. The tires are shown in gray and"Resetting TPM..." is displayed.After driving a few minutes, the set inflationpressures in the tires are accepted as the targetvalues to be monitored. The system reset iscompleted during your drive, and can be inter‐rupted at any time. When driving resumes, thereset is continued automatically. On the ControlDisplay, the tires are shown in green and "TPMactive" is displayed again.Seite 8484Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Safety
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