Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
Sport program and manual mode M/SMove selector lever from position D toward theleft into the M/S shifting slot:The sport program is activated and DS is dis‐played in the instrument cluster. This position isrecommended for a performance-oriented driv‐ing style.To deactivate the sport program or manualmode M/S, move the selector lever to the rightinto position D.Shifting gears via the selector leverWhen you press the selector lever forwards orbackwards, the manual mode is activated andSteptronic changes gear. The instrument panelshows M1 through M6.The vehicle only shifts up or down at appropriateengine and road speeds, e.g., it does not shiftdown if the engine speed is too high. The se‐lected gear is briefly displayed in the instrumentpanel, followed by the current gear.Shifting gears using the shift paddles*on the steering wheelThe shift paddles allow you to shift gears with‐out taking your hands off the steering wheel.▷When the shift paddles on the steeringwheel are used to shift gears while in auto‐matic mode, the transmission switches tomanual mode.▷If the shift paddles are not used to accelerateor shift gears for a certain amount of time,the transmission switches back to auto‐matic mode.If the selector lever is in the M/S gear plane,manual mode remains active.▷To shift up: press one of the shift paddlesback, arrow 1.▷To shift down: press one of the shift paddlesforward, arrow 2.The vehicle only shifts up or down at appropriateengine and road speeds, e.g., it does not shiftdown if the engine speed is too high. The se‐lected gear is briefly displayed in the instrumentpanel, followed by the current gear.Overriding selector lever lockShould the selector lever refuse to move out ofposition P although the button on the selectorlever is pressed, the selector lever lock can beoverridden:1. Unclip the sleeve of the selector lever.2. Pull the sleeve up over the selector lever un‐til the sleeve is inside out.3.Using the screwdriver from the onboard ve‐hicle tool kit, refer to page 204 , press thered lever while moving the selector lever tothe desired position.Seite 5757Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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