Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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247page / 11.67MB
Planning a tripNew tripMultiple intermediate destinations can be en‐tered for a trip.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Move the controller to the left if necessary.4. "Guidance"5. "Enter new destination"6. Select the type of destination entry.7. Enter the intermediate destination.8. "Start guidance"Entering further intermediatedestinationsA maximum of 30 intermediate destinations canbe entered for a trip.1. "Enter new destination"2.Select the type of destination entry.3. Enter the intermediate destination.4. "Add as another dest."5. "Reposition dest. in the trip": select the lo‐cation where the intermediate destination isto be inserted.Starting the tripAfter all intermediate destinations have beenentered:"Start guidance"Storing a tripUp to 30 created trips can be stored in the triplist. If necessary, delete existing trips to be ableto store new trips.1. Open "Options".2. "Store trip"3. Enter the letters.4. "OK"The trip is stored in the trip list under the enteredname.Starting a stored trip1. "Navigation"2. "Stored trips"3. Select the desired trip.4. "Start guidance"Changing tripsChanging the trip directionIntermediate destinations can be displayed inreverse order after destination guidance isstarted.1. "Map"2."Guidance"3.Open "Options".4."Reverse order of trip dest."Rearranging the intermediatedestinations1."Map"2."Guidance"3."Display all trip destinations"Seite 128128Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Destination entry
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