Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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3. Move the controller to the left if necessary.4. "Traffic Info"5. Select the desired traffic bulletins.First the traffic bulletins on the plannedroute are displayed. The traffic bulletins aresorted by their distance from the current po‐sition of the vehicle.Additional information can be displayed forsome traffic bulletins:1. Select the symbol.Additional information is displayed.2. Exit the menu:Move the controller to the left.Traffic bulletins on the map1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Open "Options".4. "Settings"5. "Traffic situation/gray map"The Control Display changes to a black andwhite display. This enables a better view ofthe traffic bulletins. The day/night mode isdisregarded in this setting. The symbols forthe special destinations are not displayed.Symbols in the map viewDepending on the scale of the map and the lo‐cation of the traffic obstruction along the route,the symbols for the traffic obstructions are dis‐played.Additional information in the map viewDepending on the map scale, a traffic obstruc‐tion's length, direction, and impact are displayedin the map using triangles or gray bars along thecalculated route. The colors displayed dependon the information sent by the traffic informationservice.▷Red: traffic congestion▷Orange: stop-and-go traffic▷Yellow: heavy traffic▷Green: clear roads▷Gray: general traffic bulletins such as roadconstructionFiltering traffic bulletinsYou can set which traffic bulletins appear on themap.1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Open "Options".4. "Traffic Info categories"5. Select the desired category.Traffic bulletins of the selected category are dis‐played.▷Traffic bulletins on incidents along the routeare always displayed.▷For your own safety, traffic bulletins that no‐tify you of potentially dangerous situations,such as wrong-way drivers, cannot be hid‐den.Traffic bulletins during destinationguidanceThe system behavior depends onwhether "Dynamic guidance", refer topage 131, is selected or not.During destination guidance, traffic obstruc‐tions on the route are taken into consideration.Information on sources of great danger, such aswrong-way drivers, is displayed regardless ofthe setting.Displaying traffic obstructionsWhen the navigation system receives a trafficobstruction message and "Dynamic guidance"Seite 135135Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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