Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
4. Change directories if needed to selecttracks.To go up a level in the directory: move thecontroller to the left.Random playbackAll tracks of the selection are played back in ran‐dom order.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Open "Options".4. "Random"Managing musicAlbumsRenaming an album*The name of the album, if available, is automat‐ically entered when the album is stored. If thename is not available, it can be changed later ifdesired.1. "CD/Multimedia"2."Music collection"3.Highlight the desired album.4.Open "Options".5. "Rename album"6. Select the letters individually.Deleting an albumAn album cannot be deleted while a track fromthat album is being played.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Highlight the desired album.4. Open "Options".5. "Delete album"Deleting a track and directoryA track cannot be deleted while it is beingplayed.A directory cannot be deleted while a track fromthat directory is being played.1. "CD/Multimedia"2."Music collection"3.Highlight the directory or track.4.Open "Options".5."Delete folder" or "Delete track"Free memory capacityDisplay the free memory capacity in the musiccollection.1."CD/Multimedia"2. "Music collection"3. Open "Options".4. "Free memory"Seite 159159Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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