Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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RefuelingNotesSwitch off the engine before refuelingAlways switch off the engine before refu‐eling; otherwise, fuel cannot be added to thetank and a message will be displayed.◀Observe when handling fuel▷Take all precautionary measures andobserve all applicable regulationswhen handling fuel.▷Do not carry any spare fuel containers inyour vehicle. They can develop a leak andcause an explosion or cause a fire in theevent of an accident.◀Fuel filler flapOpening1. Open fuel filler flap. To do so, lightly pressthe rear edge.2.Turn the fuel filler cap counterclockwise.3.Place the fuel filler cap in the bracket at‐tached to the fuel filler flap.ClosingFit the cap and turn it clockwise until you clearlyhear a click.Do not pinch the retaining strapDo not pinch the retaining strap attachedto the cap; otherwise, the cap cannot be closedproperly and fuel vapors can escape.A message is displayed if the cap is loose ormissing.◀Manually unlocking fuel filler flapIn the event of a malfunction, you can release thefuel filler flap manually:Pull the button in the trunk with the fuel pumpsymbol down. This releases the fuel filler flap.Observe the following when refuelingHandling fuelsObey safety regulations posted at the gasstation.◀When refueling, insert the filler nozzle com‐pletely into the filler pipe. Avoid lifting the fillernozzle while filling the tank, as that would leadto:▷Premature pump shutoff.▷Reduced efficiency of the fuel-vapor recov‐ery system.The fuel tank is full when the filler nozzle clicksoff the first time.Fuel tank capacityApprox. 15.5 US gallons/55 liters, including thereserve capacity of 2.1 US gallons/8 liters.Refuel below 30 miles/50 kmRefuel below a range of 30 miles/50 km;otherwise, engine functions are not ensured anddamage may occur.◀Seite 186186Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Refueling
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