Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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If a flat tire is detected while the system is re‐setting and determining the inflation pressures,all tires on the Control Display are displayed inyellow. The message "Low tire!" is shown.Low tire pressure messageThe warning lamps come on in yellowand red. A message appears on theControl Display. In addition, a signalsounds. There is a flat tire or substan‐tial loss of tire pressure.1. Cautiously reduce the vehicle speed to be‐low 50 mph/80 km/h. Avoid sudden brakingand steering maneuvers. Do not exceed aspeed of 50 mph/80 km/h.Do not continue driving without run-flat tiresDo not continue driving if the vehicle is notequipped with run-flat tires; continued driv‐ing may result in serious accidents.◀2. In the event of complete pressure loss, 0 psi/0 kPa, you can estimate the possible dis‐tance for continued driving on the basis ofthe following guidelines:▷With a light load: 1 person without luggage:approx. 155 miles/250 km▷With a medium load: 1 person, trunk full, or2 people without luggage: approx. 95 miles/150 km▷With a full load: 2 people, trunk full: ap‐prox. 30 miles/50 kmContinued driving with a flat tireDrive moderately and do not exceed aspeed of 50 mph/80 km/h.A loss of tire inflation pressure results in achange in the handling characteristics, e.g., re‐duced lane stability during braking, a longerbraking distance and altered self-steering prop‐erties.◀Final tire failureVibrations or loud noises while driving canindicate the final failure of the tire. Reduce speedand stop; otherwise, pieces of the tire couldcome loose and cause an accident. Do not con‐tinue driving, and contact your service center. ◀Message when not resetThe warning lamp lights up yellow. Amessage appears on the Control Dis‐play. The system was not reset, e.g.,after a wheel change.Check the tire inflation pressure and reset thesystem, refer to page 84 .Status display1. Press the button The start menu isopened.2. "Vehicle Info"3. "Vehicle status"4. "TPM"5. The status is displayed.MalfunctionThe small warning lamp flashes in yel‐low and then lights up continuously;the larger warning lamp comes on inyellow. On the Control Display, thetires are shown in gray and a message appears.No flat tire can be detected.This type of message is shown in the followingsituations:▷If there is a malfunction Have the systemchecked.▷If a wheel without TPM electronics has beenmounted▷If TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due toother systems or devices using the sameradio frequency.Erklärung laut NHTSA/FMVSS 138 TirePressure Monitoring SystemsEach tire should be checked monthly when coldand inflated to the inflation pressure recom‐mended by the vehicle manufacturer on the ve‐hicle placard or tire inflation pressure label. Ifyour vehicle has tires of a different size than thesize indicated on the vehicle placard or tire in‐Seite 8585Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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