Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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▷"Avoid ferries": ferries are avoidedwhere possible.The setting applies to the current route and tothe planning of future routes.Dynamic destination guidanceThe route is automatically changed in the eventof traffic obstructions.▷The system does not point out traffic ob‐structions along the original route.▷Traffic bulletins continue to be displayed onthe map.▷Depending on the type of road and the na‐ture and length of the traffic obstruction, theroute can also be calculated so that youtravel through the traffic obstruction.Activating/deactivating dynamicdestination guidance1. "Navigation"2. Open "Options".3. "Dynamic guidance"RouteVarious views of the route are available duringdestination guidance.▷List of streets and towns/cities.▷Map view, refer to page 132 .Displaying a list of streets or towns/cities on the routeWhen destination guidance is started, a list ofthe streets and towns/cities on the route is dis‐played. The driving distances and traffic bulle‐tins are displayed for each route section.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3. Highlight a section. The route section is dis‐played on the split screen.Bypassing a section of therouteDuring destination guidance, you can revise thenavigation system's route recommendations toavoid particular stretches of road. Enter thenumber of miles/kilometers that you want totravel before returning to the original route.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3. "New route for:"4. Turn the controller. Enter the desired num‐ber of miles.5. Press the controller.Resuming the original routeIf the route section should no longer be by‐passed:1. "Navigation"2."Route information"3."Remove blocking"Gas station recommendationThe remaining range is calculated and gas sta‐tions along the route are recommended.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3. "Recommended refuel"A list of the gas stations is displayed.4. Highlight a gas station. The position of thegas station is shown on the split screen.5.Select the gas station.Seite 131131Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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