Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
NotesCD/DVD player and changerDo not remove the coverBMW CD/DVD players and changers areofficially designated Class 1 laser products. Donot operate if the cover is damaged; otherwise,severe eye damage can result.◀CDs and DVDsUse of CDs/DVDs▷Do not use self-recorded CDs/DVDswith labels applied, as these can be‐come detached during playback dueto heat buildup and can cause irrepar‐able damage to the device.▷Only use round CDs/DVDs with a standarddiameter of 4.7 in/12 cm and do not playCDs/DVDs with an adapter, e.g., single CDs;otherwise, the CDs or the adapter may jamand no longer eject.▷Do not use combined CDs/DVDs, e.g., DVDPlus, as the CDs/DVDs can jam and will nolonger eject.◀General malfunctions▷CD/DVD changers and players have beenoptimized for performance in vehicles. Insome instances they may be more sensitiveto faulty CDs/DVDs than stationary deviceswould be.▷If a CD/DVD cannot be played, first checkwhether it has been inserted correctly.HumidityHigh levels of humidity can lead to condensationon the CD/DVD or the laser's scan lens, andtemporarily prevent playback.Malfunctions involving individual CDs/DVDsIf malfunctions occur only with particular CDs/DVDs, this can be due to one of the followingcauses:Home-recorded CDs/DVDs▷Possible reasons for malfunctions withhome-recorded CDs/DVDs are inconsistentdata creation or recording processes, orpoor quality or old age of the blank CD/DVD.▷Only label CDs/DVDs on the upper side witha pen intended for this purpose.Damage▷Avoid fingerprints, dust, scratches andmoisture.▷Store CDs/DVDs in a sleeve.▷Do not subject CDs/DVDs to temperaturesover 122 ℉/50 ℃, high humidity or directsunlight.CDs/DVDs with copy protectionCDs/DVDs are often provided with a copy pro‐tection feature by the manufacturer. This canmean that some CDs/DVDs cannot be played orcan only be played to a limited extent.MACROVISIONThis product contains copyrighted technologythat is based on multiple registered US patentsand the intellectual property of the MacrovisionCorporation and other manufacturers. The useof this copy protection must be approved byMacrovision. Media protected by this product -unless otherwise agreed with Macrovision - mayonly be used for private purposes. Copying ofthis technology is prohibited.DTS Digital Surround™Manufactured under license under U.S. PatentNumbers: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380;5,978,762; 6,487,535 & and other patentsgranted and registered in the USA and world‐wide. DTS and the logo are registered trade‐marks & DTS Digital Surround and the DTSlogos are trademarks of DTS Inc. © DTS, Inc. Allrights reserved.Seite 155155Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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