Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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Telephone*At a glanceThe conceptAfter the mobile phone is paired once with thevehicle, the mobile phone can be operated usingthe iDrive, the steering wheel buttons and voiceactivation*.A paired mobile phone is automatically detectedas soon as it is located inside the vehicle, whenthe ignition is switched on.Up to four mobile phones can be paired.Using the mobile phone while drivingMake entries only when traffic and roadconditions allow. Do not hold the mobile phonein your hand while you are driving; use thehands-free system instead. If you do not ob‐serve this precaution, you can endanger the ve‐hicle occupants and other road users.◀Snap-in adapter*The snap-in adapter is used to:▷Hold the mobile phone.▷Recharge the battery.▷Connect the mobile phone to an outside an‐tenna of the vehicle.This provides for better network receptionand consistent sound quality.Approved mobile phonesDetails on which mobile phones with a Blue‐tooth interface are supported by the mobilephone preparation package can be obtained atwww.bmw.com/bluetooth.Displaying the vehicle identificationnumber and software part numberThe vehicle identification number and softwarepart number are needed to determine which mo‐bile phones are supported by the mobile phonepreparation package. The software version ofthe mobile phone may also be required.1."Telephone"2."Options"3. "Bluetooth info"4. "Display system information"These approved mobile phones with a certainsoftware version, support the vehicle functionsdescribed below.Malfunctions may occur with other mobilephones or software versions.Do not operate a mobile phone that is connectedto the vehicle on the mobile phone keypad, asthis may lead to a malfunction.Pairing/unpairing the mobilephoneRequirements▷The mobile phone is suitable.▷The mobile phone is ready for operation.▷Bluetooth is activated on the vehicle, refer topage 167, and on the mobile phone.▷Bluetooth presettings may need to be madeon the mobile phone, e.g., for a connectionwithout confirmation or visibility, refer to themobile phone operating instructions.▷A number with at least four and a maximumof 16 digits is defined as the Bluetooth pass‐key. It is only required once for pairing.▷The ignition is switched on.Pairing and connectingPairing the mobile phoneTo avoid becoming distracted and posingan unnecessary hazard both to your own vehi‐cle's occupants and to other road users, onlypair the mobile phone while the vehicle is sta‐tionary.◀1."Telephone"2."Bluetooth (telephone)"Seite 166166Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Telephone
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