Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
BMW Assist*BMW AssistGeneral informationBMW Assist provides you with various services,e.g., transmission of the position data of yourvehicle to the BMW Assist Response Center ifan Emergency Request* has been initiated.Many BMW Assist services depend on the indi‐vidually agreed upon contract.After your contract has expired, the BMW Assistsystem will be deactivated by the BMW AssistResponse Center without your having to visit aservice center. After the BMW Assist systemhas been deactivated, no BMW Assist serviceswill be available. The BMW Assist system can bereactivated by a service center after you sign anew contract.Requirements▷The installed BMW Assist system is loggedin to a wireless communications network.This network must be capable of transmit‐ting the services.▷To transmit position data, the vehicle mustbe able to determine the current position.▷To activate and update BMW Assist, a GPSsignal must be available.▷The BMW Assist service contract wassigned with your service center or with theBMW Assist Response Center. Enablingmust have been completed.▷BMW Assist is activated.Services offered▷Emergency Request: when you press theSOS button, a connection to the BMW As‐sist Response Center is established. TheBMW Assist Response Center then speakswith you and takes further steps to help you.▷Automatic Collision Notification: under cer‐tain conditions, a connection is establishedto the BMW Assist Response Center after aserious accident. If possible, the BMW As‐sist Response Center then speaks with youand takes further steps to help you.▷Enhanced Roadside Assistance: BMWRoadside Assistance* can be contacted ifassistance is needed in the event of a break‐down. If possible, the vehicle and positiondata are transmitted in the process.▷Customer Relations: connection with Cus‐tomer Relations for information on all as‐pects of your vehicle.▷TeleService: data on your vehicle's servicestatus or required inspections are transmit‐ted to your service center, either automati‐cally before a service due date or when yourequest a BMW service appointment.▷Remote Door Unlock: the BMW Assist Re‐sponse Center provides assistance if, for ex‐ample, the remote control is not availableand the vehicle needs to be opened.▷Stolen Vehicle Recovery: after you reportthat your vehicle was stolen to the police, theBMW Assist Response Center can deter‐mine its position.▷In addition to these services, the optionalConvenience Plan offers Concierge serviceand information for route planning, traffic,and weather. A limited number of calls canbe made via the BMW Assist ResponseCenter with Critical Calling if, for example,the mobile phone is not available or dis‐charged.Press the SOS button to contact the BMWAssist Response Center.TeleService*General informationTeleService supports communication with yourservice center.Seite 179179Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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