Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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R: radial tire code17: rim diameter in inches91: load rating, not for ZR tiresV: speed rating, before the R on ZR tiresSpeed letterQ = up to 100 mph/160 km/hT = up to 118 mph/190 km/hH = up to 131 mph/210 km/hV = up to 150 mph/240 km/hW = up to 167 mph/270 km/hY = up to 186 mph/300 km/hTire Identification NumberTires with DOT codes meet the guidelines of theU.S. Department of Transportation.DOT code:DOT xxxx xxx 0710xxxx: manufacturer code for the tire brandxxx: tire size and tire design0710: tire ageTire ageThe tire manufacturing date is contained in thetire identification mark: DOT ... 0710 means thatthe tire was manufactured in the week 7 of 2010.BMW recommends that you replace all tires af‐ter 6 years at most, even if some tires may lastfor 10 years.Uniform Tire Quality GradingQuality grades can be found where applicableon the tire sidewall between tread shoulder andmaximum section width. For example:Treadwear 200 Traction AATemperature ADOT Quality GradesTreadwearTraction AA A B CTemperature A B CAll passenger car tires must conform toFederal Safety Requirements in additionto these grades.◀TreadwearThe treadwear grade is a comparative ratingbased on the wear rate of the tire when testedunder controlled conditions on a specified gov‐ernment test course. For example, a tire graded150 would wear one and one-half (11/2) timesas well on the government course as a tiregraded 100. The relative performance of tiresdepends upon the actual conditions of their use,however, and may depart significantly from thenorm due to variations in driving habits, servicepractices and differences in road characteristicsand climate.TractionThe traction grades, from highest to lowest, areAA, A, B, and C.Those grades represent the tire’s ability to stopon wet pavement as measured under controlledconditions on specified government test surfa‐ces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C mayhave poor traction performance.The traction grade assigned to this tire is basedon straight-ahead braking traction tests, anddoes not include acceleration, cornering, hydro‐planing, or peak traction characteristics.TemperatureThe temperature grades are A, the highest, B,and C, representing the tire’s resistance to thegeneration of heat and its ability to dissipateheat when tested under controlled conditionson a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sus‐tained high temperature can cause the materialof the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, andexcessive temperature can lead to sudden tirefailure. The grade C corresponds to a level ofperformance which all passenger car tires mustmeet under the Federal Motor Vehicle SafetyStandard No. 109. Grades B and A representhigher levels of performance on the laboratorytest wheel than the minimum required by law.Seite 193193Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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