Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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culated remaining mileage until the next oilservice, refer to page 69 . Have the systemchecked as soon as possible.Adding engine oilAdd a maximum quantity of 1 US quart/1 liter ofoil only after a corresponding message appearson the Control Display.Add oil promptlyAdd oil within the next 125 miles/200 km;otherwise, engine damage could result.◀Protect childrenKeep oil, grease, etc., out of reach of chil‐dren and heed the warnings on the containersto prevent health risks.◀Oil changeHave oil changed only at your service center orat a workshop that works according to BMW re‐pair procedures with correspondingly trainedpersonnel.Oil typesNoteNo oil additivesOil additives may lead to engine dam‐age.◀Approved oil typesYour service center can advise you on which en‐gine oils have been approved by the manufac‐turer of your vehicle.The engine oil quality is critical for the life of theengine.Only use approved BMW High Performance oil.Approved oils belong to the following viscosityclasses: SAE 0W‑40, SAE 0W‑30, SAE 5W‑40,and SAE 5W‑30.Alternative oil typesIf the approved engine oils are not available, upto 1 US quart/liter of another oil with the follow‐ing specification may be used.API SM specifications or higherCoolantGeneral informationDanger of burns from hot engineDo not open the cooling system while theengine is hot; otherwise, escaping coolant maycause burns.◀Suitable additivesOnly use suitable additives; otherwise, en‐gine damage may occur. The additives areharmful to your health.◀Coolant consists of water and additives.Not all commercially available additives are suit‐able for your vehicle. Ask your service center forsuitable additives.Checking the coolant level1. Let the engine cool.2. Turn the expansion tank cap counterclock‐wise slightly to allow any accumulated pres‐sure to escape, then continue turning toopen.3.The coolant level is correct if it is betweenthe maximum and minimum marks in theSeite 200200Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Engine compartment
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