Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
Everything from A to ZIndexAABS, Antilock Brake Sys‐tem 87 Acceleration assistant, refer toLaunch Control 60 Accessories and parts 7 Accident, refer to EmergencyRequest, initiating 209 Activated charcoal filter withautomatic climate con‐trol 100 Adaptive brake light, refer toBrake force display 86 Adaptive light control 76 Additives– Coolant 200Additives, oil 200 After washing vehicle 216 Airbags 80 Airbags– Indicator/warning lamps 82Air circulation, refer to Recir‐culated air mode 96, 100 Air conditioner 96 Air conditioning mode– Air conditioner 96– Automatic climate con‐trol 98– Ventilation 97, 100Air distribution– Automatic 99– Individual 96– Manual 96Air flow rate 96, 99 Airing, refer to Ventila‐tion 97, 100 Air outlets, refer to Airvents 95 Air pressure, refer to Tire infla‐tion pressure 189 Air supply– Air conditioner 96– Automatic climate con‐trol 98– Ventilation 97, 100Air vents 95 Air vents– Refer to Ventilation 97, 100Alarm system 36 Alarm system– Avoiding unintentionalalarms 37– Ending an alarm 36– Interior motion sensor 37– Tilt alarm sensor 37All around the headliner 17 All-season tires, refer to Win‐ter tires 196 Alternating-code hand-heldtransmitter 102 Alternative oil types 200 AM/FM station 142 Announcement, navigation,refer to Spoken instruc‐tions 132 Antifreeze– Coolant 200– Washer fluid 55Antilock Brake System,ABS 87 Anti-slip control, refer toDSC 87 Anti-theft protection 30 Anti-theft protection, lugbolts 207 Approved axle loads, refer toWeights 224 Approved engine oils 200 Approved gross vehicleweight, refer to Weights 224 Armrest, refer to Center arm‐rest 107 Arrival time, refer to Com‐puter 64 Assist 179 Assistance, Roadside Assis‐tance 210 Assistance systems, refer toDriving stability control sys‐tems 87 Assistance when drivingoff 89 Audio device, external 108 Audio playback 149 Automatic air distribution 99 Automatic air flow rate 99 Automatic car wash 215 Automatic climate control– Automatic air distribution 99Automatic cruise control 91 Automatic Curb Monitor 46 Automatic headlamp con‐trol 76 Automatic recirculated aircontrol 100 Automatic transmission withSteptronic 56 Automatic transmission withSteptronic– Interlock 56– Overriding selector leverlock 57– Shiftlock, refer to Changingselector lever positions 56AUTO program with automaticclimate control 99 AUX-IN port 108 , 160 Average fuel consumption 64 Average fuel consumption– Setting the units 66Average speed 64 Axle loads, refer toWeights 224 BBackrest curvature, refer toLumbar support 43 Seite 234234Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Everything from A to Z
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