Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 11.67MB
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247page / 11.67MB
Passenger airbags, deactivat‐ing 81 Passenger side mirror, tilt‐ing 46 PDC Park Distance Con‐trol 93 Personal Profile 28 Pinch protection– Windows 38Plastic, care 217 Pollen– Refer to Microfilter/acti‐vated-charcoal filter with au‐tomatic climate control 100– Refer to Microfilter for airconditioner 97Position, storing 123 Postal code, entering in navi‐gation 122 Power, refer to Enginedata 222 Power windows, opening andclosing 38 Power windows, refer to Win‐dows 37 Pressure monitoring of tires,refer to Tire Pressure MonitorTPM 83 Pressure, tires 189 Pressure warning, tires 82 Pressure warning, tires– Flat Tire Monitor 82– Tire Pressure Monitor 83Programmable memory but‐tons, iDrive 22 Protective function, refer toPinch protection– Windows 38Push-and-turn switch, refer toController 18 RRadiator fluid, refer to Cool‐ant 200 Radio-operated key, refer toRemote control withintegrated key 28 Radio ready state 50 Radio ready state– Switched off 50– Switched on 50Radio setting, refer to Radioready state 50 Rain sensor 54 Random 150 Random playback 150 Range 64 RDS 143 Reading lamps 79 Rear lamps– Bulb replacement 206Rear lamps, refer to Taillamps 206 Rear lamps, refer to Tail lamps– Bulb replacement 206 , 207Rearview mirror, refer to Mir‐rors 45 Rear window de‐froster 97, 100 Recirculated airmode 96, 100 Reclining seat, refer to Back‐rest 42 Recommended tirebrands 196 Remaining range, refer toRange 64 Remote control– Battery replacement 36– Comfort Access 34– Malfunction 31, 35– Removing from the ignitionlock 50– Trunk lid 31– Universal 101Replacement fuses, refer toSpare fuses 208 Replacement remote con‐trol 28 Replacing wheels/tires 195 Reporting safety defects 8 Restraining systems– Refer to Safety belts 44Restraint system– For children 48Retaining straps, securingcargo 115 Retractable hardtop– Convenience operation 30– Opening and closing 40– Remote control 30Retreaded tires 196 Reverse gear– Automatic transmission withSteptronic 56– Manual transmission 55Road, avoiding 130 Road detour 130 Roadside Assistance 180 Roadside parking lamps 77 RON gasoline quality 187 Roof load capacity 224 Rope, refer to Tow-startingand towing 213 Route 131 Route criteria, route 130 Route, displaying 131 Route section, bypassing 131 RPM, refer to Enginedata 222 RSC Runflat System Compo‐nent, refer to Run-flattires 195 Rubber components,care 217 Run-flat tires 195 Run-flat tires– Tire inflation pressure 189SSafety 6 Safety-belt height adjust‐ment 44 Safety belts 44 Safety belts– Care 217– Damage 44– Indicator/warning lamp 44– Reminder 44Safety systems– Airbags 80– Safety belts 44Satellite radio 143 Saving fuel 116 Scale, changing during navi‐gation 133 Seite 241241Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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