クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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• For certain operations, compound commands can beused. For example, instead of saying Call and thenJohn Smith and then mobile, the following com-pound command can be said: Call John Smith mobile.• For each feature explanation in this section, only thecompound command form of the voice command isgiven. You can also break the commands into parts andsay each part of the command when you are asked for it.For example, you can use the compound command formvoice command Search for John Smith, or you can breakthe compound command form into two voice commands:Search Contact and when asked John Smith. Pleaseremember, the Uconnectfi Phone works best when youtalk in a normal conversational tone, as if speaking tosomeone sitting a few feet/meters away from you.Natural SpeechYour Uconnectfi Phone Voice system uses a NaturalLanguage Voice Recognition (VR) engine.Natural speech allows the user to speak commands inphrases or complete sentences. The system filters outcertain non-word utterances and sounds such as ahand eh. The system handles fill-in words such as Iwould like to.The system handles multiple inputs in the same phraseor sentence such as make a phone call and to KellySmith. For multiple inputs in the same phrase or sen-tence, the system identifies the topic or context andprovides the associated follow-up prompt such as Whodo you want to call? in the case where a phone call wasrequested but the specific name was not recognized.The system utilizes continuous dialog; when the systemrequires more information from the user it will ask aquestion to which the user can respond without pressingthe Voice Commandbutton.126 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE
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