クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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However, if you havent healed significantly within afew days, or if you have any blistering, see your doctorimmediately.•As the air bags deflate, you may see some smoke-likeparticles. The particles are a normal by-product of theprocess that generates the non-toxic gas used for airbag inflation. These airborne particles may irritate theskin, eyes, nose, or throat. If you have skin or eyeirritation, rinse the area with cool water. For nose orthroat irritation, move to fresh air. If the irritationcontinues, see your doctor. If these particles settle onyour clothing, follow the garment manufacturers in-structions for cleaning.Do not drive your vehicle after the air bags have de-ployed. If you are involved in another collision, the airbags will not be in place to protect you.WARNING!Deployed air bags and seat belt pretensioners cannotprotect you in another collision. Have the air bags,seat belt pretensioners, and the front seat belt retrac-tor assemblies replaced by an authorized dealer im-mediately. Also, have the Occupant Restraint Con-troller (ORC) system serviced as well.2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 69
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