クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Supplemental Seat-Mounted Side Air Bags (SAB)Supplemental Seat-Mounted Side Air Bags (SAB) mayprovide enhanced protection to help protect an occupantduring a side impact. The SAB is marked with an air baglabel sewn into the outboard side of the front seats.When the air bag deploys, it opens the seam between thefront and side of the seats trim cover. Each air bagdeploys independently; a left side impact deploys the leftair bag only and a right-side impact deploys the right airbag only.Supplemental Side Air Bag Inflatable Curtain(SABIC)SABIC air bags may offer side-impact protection to frontand rear seat outboard occupants in addition to thatprovided by the body structure. Each air bag featuresinflated chambers placed adjacent to the head of eachoutboard occupant that reduce the potential for side-impact head injuries. The curtains deploy downward,covering both windows on the impact side.Supplemental Seat-Mounted Side Air Bag Label2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 61
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