クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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WARNING!Avoid trapping anyone in a vehicle in a collision.Remember that the rear doors can only be openedfrom the outside when the Child-Protection locks areengaged (locked).NOTE:For emergency exit from the rear seats when theChild-Protection Door Lock System is engaged, manuallyraise the door lock knob to the unlocked position, rolldown the window, and open the door using the outsidedoor handle.KEYLESS ENTER-N-GOThe Passive Entry system is an enhancement to thevehicles Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) system and afeature of Keyless Enter-N-Go . This feature allows youtolockandunlockthevehiclesdoor(s)withouthavingtopress the RKE transmitter lock or unlock buttons.NOTE:•Passive Entry may be programmed ON/OFF; refer toUconnectfi Settings in Understanding Your Instru-ment Panel for further information.•If wearing gloves on your hands, or if it has beenraining on the Passive Entry door handle, the unlocksensitivity can be affected, resulting in a slower re-sponse time.•If the vehicle is unlocked by the Passive Entry DoorHandle and no door goes ajar within 60 seconds, thevehicle will re-lock and if equipped will arm the theftalarm.To Unlock From The Driver's SideWith a valid Passive Entry RKE transmitter within 5 ft(1.5 m) of the drivers door handle, grab the front driver2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 33
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