クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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While cruising, brief full-throttle acceleration within thelimits of local traffic laws contributes to a good break-in.Wide-open throttle acceleration in low gear can be detri-mental and should be avoided.The engine oil installed in the engine at the factory is ahigh-quality energy conserving type lubricant. Oilchanges should be consistent with anticipated climateconditions under which vehicle operations will occur. Forthe recommended viscosity and quality grades, refer toMaintenance Procedures in Maintaining Your Ve-hicle.CAUTION!Never use Non-Detergent Oil or Straight Mineral Oilin the engine or damage may result.NOTE:A new engine may consume some oil during itsfirst few thousand miles (kilometers) of operation. Thisshould be considered a normal part of the break-in andnot interpreted as an indication of difficulty.SAFETY TIPSTransporting PassengersNEVER TRANSPORT PASSENGERS IN THE CARGOAREA.WARNING!•Do not leave children or animals inside parkedvehicles in hot weather. Interior heat build-up maycause serious injury or death.(Continued)2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 95
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