クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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WARNING!•A belt that is buckled into the wrong buckle willnot protect you properly. The lap portion could ridetoo high on your body, possibly causing internalinjuries. Always buckle your belt into the bucklenearest you.•A belt that is too loose will not protect you prop-erly. In a sudden stop, you could move too farforward, increasing the possibility of injury. Wearyour seat belt snugly.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•A belt that is worn under your arm is dangerous.Your body could strike the inside surfaces of thevehicle in a collision, increasing head and neckinjury. A belt worn under the arm can cause internalinjuries. Ribs aren't as strong as shoulder bones.Wear the belt over your shoulder so that your stron-gest bones will take the force in a collision.•A shoulder belt placed behind you will not protectyou from injury during a collision. You are morelikely to hit your head in a collision if you do notwear your shoulder belt. The lap and shoulder beltare meant to be used together.50 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE
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