クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Turn Headlights On With Remote Key UnlockThis feature activates the headlights for up to 90 secondswhen the doors are unlocked with the RKE transmitter.The time for this feature is programmable on vehiclesequipped through Uconnectfi. To change the currentsetting, refer to Uconnectfi Settings in UnderstandingYour Instrument Panel for further information.To Lock The DoorsPress and release the LOCK button on the RKE transmit-ter to lock all doors. The turn signal lights will flash andthe horn will chirp to acknowledge the signal.If the vehicle is equipped with Passive Entry, refer toKeyless Enter-N-Go under Things To Know BeforeStarting Your Vehicle for further information.Sound Horn With Remote Key LockThis feature will cause the horn to chirp when the doorsare locked with the RKE transmitter. This feature can beturned on or turned off. To change the current setting,refer to Uconnectfi Settings in Understanding YourInstrument Panel for further information.To Unlatch The TrunkPress the TRUNK button on the RKE transmitter twotimes within five seconds to unlatch the trunk.If the vehicle is equipped with Passive Entry, refer toKeyless Enter-N-Go under Things To Know BeforeStarting Your Vehicle for further information.Using The Panic AlarmTo turn the Panic Alarm feature on or off, press and holdthe PANIC button on the RKE transmitter for at leastone second and release. When the Panic Alarm is on, theheadlights will turn on, the park lights will flash, thehorn will pulse on and off, and the interior lights willturn on.2THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 23
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