クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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NOTE:When having the Sentry Keyfi Immobilizer Sys-tem serviced, bring all vehicle keys with you to anauthorized dealer.Customer Key ProgrammingProgramming Key Fobs or RKE transmitters may beperformed at an authorized dealer.General InformationThe Sentry Keyfi system complies with FCC rules Part 15and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation issubject to the following conditions:•This device may not cause harmful interference.•This device must accept any interference that may bereceived, including interference that may cause unde-sired operation.VEHICLE SECURITY ALARM IF EQUIPPEDThe Vehicle Security Alarm monitors the vehicle doorsfor unauthorized entry and the ignition switch (andKeyless Enter-N-Go Start/Stop button) for unauthor-ized operation. While the Vehicle Security Alarm isarmed, interior switches for door locks and decklidrelease are disabled. If something triggers the alarm, theVehicle Security Alarm will prevent the vehicle fromstarting and provide the following audible and visiblesignals: the horn will pulse, the park lamps and/or turnsignals will flash, and the Vehicle Security Light in theinstrument cluster will flash.Rearming Of The SystemIf something triggers the alarm, and no action is taken todisarm it, the Vehicle Security Alarm will turn the hornoff after three minutes, turn all of the visual signals offafter 15 minutes, and then the Vehicle SecurityAlarm willrearm itself.18 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE
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