クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Maintaining Your Air Bag SystemWARNING!•Modifications to any part of the air bag systemcould cause it to fail when you need it. You couldbe injured if the air bag system is not there toprotect you. Do not modify the components orwiring, including adding any kind of badges orstickers to the steering wheel hub trim cover or theupper right side of the instrument panel. Do notmodify the front bumper, vehicle body structure, oradd aftermarket side steps or running boards.•It is dangerous to try to repair any part of the airbag system yourself. Be sure to tell anyone whoworks on your vehicle that it has an air bag system.(Continued)WARNING!(Continued)•Do not attempt to modify any part of your air bagsystem. The air bag may inflate accidentally or maynot function properly if modifications are made.Take your vehicle to an authorized dealer for anyair bag system service. If your seat, including yourtrim cover and cushion, needs to be serviced in anyway (including removal or loosening/tightening ofseat attachment bolts), take the vehicle to yourauthorized dealer. Only manufacturer approvedseat accessories may be used. If it is necessary tomodify the air bag system for persons with dis-abilities, contact your authorized dealer.70 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE
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