クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Uconnectfi Phone FeaturesEmergency AssistanceIf you are in an emergency and the mobile phone isreachable:•Pick up the phone and manually dial the emergencynumber for your area.If the phone is not reachable and the Uconnectfi Phone isoperational, you may reach the emergency number asfollows:•Press thebutton to begin.•After the Listening prompt and the following beep,say Call Emergency or Dial Emergency and theUconnectfi Phone will instruct the paired mobilephone to call the emergency number. This feature issupported in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.NOTE:•The Emergency call may also be initiated by using thetouch-screen.•The emergency number dialed is based on the countrywhere the vehicle is purchased (911 for the U.S. andCanada and 060 for Mexico). The number dialed may notbe applicable with the available mobile service and area.•The Uconnectfi Phone does slightly lower yourchances of successfully making a phone call as to thatfor the mobile phone directly.WARNING!Your phone must be turned on and connected to theUconnect(R) Phone to allow use of this vehicle feature inemergency situations, when the mobile phone has net-work coverage and stays connected to the Uconnect(R)Phone.142 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE
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