クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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NOTE:1. You can also say Find City, Find Favorite, FindPlay by Category, Find Play by Name, FindRecently Found, Where to? or Go Home.2. You can say Find Nearest then Restaurant, Fuel,Transit, Lodging, Shopping, Bank, Enter-tainment, Recreation, Attractions, Commu-nity, Auto Services, Hospitals, Parking, Air-port, Police Stations, Fire Stations, or AutoDealers.NOTE:Available Voice Commands are shown in boldface and shaded grey.SEATSSeats are a part of the Occupant Restraint System of thevehicle.WARNING!•It is dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside oroutside of a vehicle. In a collision, people riding inthese areas are more likely to be seriously injuredor killed.•Do not allow people to ride in any area of yourvehicle that is not equipped with seats and seatbelts. In a collision, people riding in these areas aremore likely to be seriously injured or killed.•Be sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat andusing a seat belt properly.3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 177
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