クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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Press the Driver or Passenger seat soft-keyonce to select HI-level heating. Press the soft-key a second time to select LO-level heating.Press the soft-key a third time to shut theheating elements OFF.NOTE:Once a heat setting is selected, heat will be feltwithin two to five minutes.When the HI-level setting is selected, the heater willprovide a boosted heat level during the first four minutesof operation. Then, the heat output will drop to thenormal HI-level. If the HI-level setting is selected, thesystem will automatically switch to LO-level after ap-proximately 60 minutes of continuous operation. At thattime, the display will change from HI to LO, indicatingthe change. The LO-level setting will turn OFF automati-cally after approximately 45 minutes.Heated Seats Soft-Keys3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 183
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