クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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•Use of Rain-Xfi or products containing wax or siliconemay reduce rain sensor performance.The Rain Sensing system has protective features for thewiper blades and arms. It will not operate under thefollowing conditions:•Low Temperature Wipe Inhibit The Rain Sensingfeature will not operate when the ignition is placed inthe RUN position, the vehicle is stationary and theoutside temperature is below 32F (0C), unless thewiper control on the multifunction lever is moved, thevehicle speed becomes greater than 0 mph (0 km/h) orthe outside temperature rises above freezing.•Neutral Wipe Inhibit The Rain Sensing feature willnot operate when the ignition is placed in the RUNposition, the transmission shift lever is in the NEU-TRALpositionandthevehiclespeedislessthan5mph(8 km/h), unless the wiper control on the multifunc-tion lever is moved or the shift lever is moved out ofthe NEUTRAL position.•Remote Start Mode Inhibit On vehicles equippedwith Remote Starting system, Rain Sensing wipers arenot operational when the vehicle is in the remote startmode. Once the operator is in the vehicle and hasplaced the ignition switch in the RUN position, rainsensing wiper operation can resume, if it has beenselected, and no other inhibit conditions (mentionedpreviously) exist.TILT/TELESCOPING STEERING COLUMNThis feature allows you to tilt the steering columnupward or downward. It also allows you to lengthen orshorten the steering column. The tilt/telescoping controlhandle is located below the steering wheel at the end ofthe steering column.212 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE
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