クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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To unlock the steering column, pull the control handledown. To tilt the steering column, move the steering wheelupward or downward as desired. To lengthen or shortenthe steering column, pull the steering wheel outward orpush it inward as desired. To lock the steering column inposition, push the control handle up until fully engaged.WARNING!Do not adjust the steering column while driving.Adjusting the steering column while driving or driv-ing with the steering column unlocked, could causethe driver to lose control of the vehicle. Failure tofollow this warning may result in serious injury ordeath.POWER TILT/TELESCOPING STEERING COLUMN IF EQUIPPEDThis feature allows you to tilt the steering columnupward or downward. It also allows you to lengthen orshorten the steering column. The power tilt/telescopingsteering column switch is located below the multifunc-tion lever on the steering column.Tilt/Telescoping Control Handle3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 213
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