クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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NOTE:The engine must be running for the heatedsteering wheel to operate.Vehicles Equipped With Remote StartOn models that are equipped with remote start, theheated steering wheel can be programmed to come onduring a remote start. Refer to Remote Starting System If Equipped in Things To Know Before StartingYourVehicle for further information.WARNING!•Persons who are unable to feel pain to the skinbecause of advanced age, chronic illness, diabetes,spinal cord injury, medication, alcohol use, exhaus-tion, or other physical conditions must exercisecare when using the steering wheel heater. It maycause burns even at low temperatures, especially ifused for long periods.•Do not place anything on the steering wheel thatinsulates against heat, such as a blanket or steeringwheel covers of any type and material. This maycause the steering wheel heater to overheat.Heated Steering Wheel Soft-Key216 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE
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