クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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CAUTION!Failure to follow these cautions can cause damage tothe heating elements:•Use care when washing the inside of the rearwindow. Do not use abrasive window cleaners onthe interior surface of the window. Use a soft clothand a mild washing solution, wiping parallel to theheating elements. Labels can be peeled off aftersoaking with warm water.•Do not use scrapers, sharp instruments, or abrasivewindow cleaners on the interior surface of thewindow.•Keep all objects a safe distance from the window.Power Sunshade If EquippedYour vehicle may be equipped with a power sunshadethat will reduce the amount of sunlight that will shinethrough the rear windshield.The power sunshade can be operated using theUconnectfi System.Press the Controls soft-key and then press the Sun-shade soft-key to raise the power sunscreen. Press theSunshade soft-key a second time to lower the sun-shade.If the sunshade is in the raised position and the vehicle isplaced in REVERSE, the sunshade will automaticallyfully lower. When the transmission is shifted out ofREVERSE the sunshade will automatically return to thefully raised position after approximately five seconds.3UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 293
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