クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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CAUTION!The TPMS has been optimized for the originalequipment tires and wheels. TPMS pressures andwarning have been established for the tire sizeequipped on your vehicle. Undesirable system opera-tion or sensor damage may result when using re-placement equipment that is not of the same size,type, and/or style. Aftermarket wheels can causesensor damage. Do not use tire sealant from a can orbalance beads if your vehicle is equipped with aTPMS, as damage to the sensors may result.8. Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)The Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) is part ofan onboard diagnostic system, called OBD, thatmonitors engine and automatic transmission con-trol systems. The light will illuminate when the key is inthe ON/RUN position, before engine start. If the bulbdoes not come on when turning the key from OFF toON/RUN, have the condition checked promptly.Certain conditions, such as poor fuel quality, etc., mayilluminate the MIL after engine start. The vehicle shouldbe serviced if the light stays on through several of yourtypical driving cycles. In most situations, the vehicle willdrive normally and will not require towing.CAUTION!Prolonged driving with the Malfunction IndicatorLight (MIL) on could cause damage to the enginecontrol system. It also could affect fuel economy anddrivability. If the MIL is flashing, severe catalyticconverter damage and power loss will soon occur.Immediate service is required.4UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 305
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