クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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•Oil Pressure Warning TelltaleThis telltale indicates low engine oil pressure. Ifthe light turns on while driving, stop the vehicle and shutoff the engine as soon as possible.Achime will sound forfour minutes when this light turns on.Do not operate the vehicle until the cause is corrected.This light does not show how much oil is in the engine.The engine oil level must be checked under the hood.•Charging System TelltaleThis telltale shows the status of the electricalcharging system. If the telltale stays on or comeson while driving, turn off some of the vehicles non-essential electrical devices or increase engine speed (if atidle). If the charging system telltale remains on, it meansthat the vehicle is experiencing a problem with thecharging system. Obtain SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. Seean authorized dealer.If jump starting is required, refer to Jump StartingProcedures in What To Do In Emergencies.•Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) TelltaleThis telltale informs you of a problem with theElectronic Throttle Control (ETC) system. If thetelltale comes on while driving, have the sys-tem checked by an authorized dealer.If a problem is detected, the telltale will come on whilethe engine is running. Cycle the ignition key when thevehicle has completely stopped and the shift lever isplaced in the PARK position. The telltale should turn off.If the telltale remains lit with the engine running, yourvehicle will usually be drivable. However, see an autho-rized dealer for service as soon as possible. If the telltaleis flashing when the engine is running, immediate service318 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL
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